Program Completion & Nationally Recognized Credentials
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Program Completion & Nationally Recognized Credentials

All School-to-Registered Apprenticeship occupational programs require that the student apprentice complete a required number of On-the-Job Training hours as well as a specific number of hours completing Related Technical Instruction.

  • "On-the-Job Training" hours refers to the hours that the student apprentice must spend learning and performing occupational training tasks and duties at the worksite. On-the-Job Training hours and tasks are predetermined by the employer. Most STRA occupational programs require anywhere from 2000 to 8000 hours of On-the-Job Training and will take the student apprentice approximately 2-5 years to complete.
  • "Related Technical Instruction hours refers to the hours that the student apprentice must spend in occupational classroom activities. Classes that the student apprentice must successfully complete are predetermined by the employer. The Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training recommends that student apprentices spend a minimum of 144 hours per year in classroom instruction activities.

Once all On-the-Job Training hours and Related Technical Instruction hours are completed, the student apprentice is awarded a "Certificate of Completion" issued by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. These credentials identify the bearer as one who has completed high quality education and training for the occupation and is a highly skilled, competent professional in the industry.

Possessing a Certificate of Completion is considered by many industry professionals to be one of the most valued credentials to possess, because it certifies that the individual has completed both hands-on training and classroom education for a specific occupation. Statistically, those who possess a Certificate of Completion earn, on the average, about the same or more than those who possess a Masters Degree from an accredited college or university. In addition, many go on to pursue Bachelors and Master's degrees, providing continuous lifelong education, training, employment, and career opportunities!

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This site maintained by Career Planning Specialists Software, Inc.  in cooperation with the STRA Consortium.