What is STRA?
STRA stands for Michigan's "School-to-Registered Apprenticeship" Program. This program offers high school students the opportunity to receive long-term career and occupational education and training both in the classroom and at a job site. Employers work with school counselors, instructors, and an STRA Program Coordinator to give interested students the chance to interview for specific job openings they have available. Paid job site training begins while the student is in school and continues with guaranteed full time employment upon graduation, and employer paid college instruction.
Michigan's Career Preparation System emphasizes the need for students to get career and occupational information, perform activities that allow career exploration, and investigate all appropriate career education, training, and employment options. While most students are aware of the more traditional post high school education and training opportunities such as the 4-year college, military, and technical school training, student apprenticeship training is new and very unfamiliar. However, the shortage of "skilled" individuals nationwide has put programs such as the STRA Program into the spotlight!
This career and occupational training program is modeled after the Federal Apprenticeship Program and offers many benefits to participating students and employers. To learn more, simply click on any link below and receive more information!