STRA and Michigan's Career Preparation System
  General Information

STRA and Michigan's Career Preparation System

Michigan's Career Preparation System serves to insure all students participate in career exploration and preparation activities. The STRA Program provides student participants with occupational and career exploration activities, as well as offers a well-defined and predetermined pathway to occupational goal and career achievement.

While high school graduates may have a variety of post high school plans, and engage in a number of activities, one thing remains certain. At some point, all students will need to secure employment. Significant changes in the labor market have prompted those in education to re-examine the current education system focusing on the need for students to develop strong academic, technical, and employability skills.

  • Businesses want employees who have good core academics, quality, up-to-date skill training, and a commitment to life long learning.
  • They also want individuals who are well prepared for the work world, possessing the attitude, motivation, and critical employability skills and abilities that will insure their success.

Career research and exploration, making informed career choices, and being properly prepared for a specific career are essential. We can no longer assume that a college degree will insure personal and financial gainful employment. Individuals must possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities employers require.

Michigan's Career Preparation System initiative announced by Governor John Engler in 1997, provides students, grades K-12, the opportunity to explore a variety of different careers, as well the education, skills, and guidance that will properly prepare them for continued education, training, employment, and career opportunities.

Career Preparation Goals Include:

  1. Insure career preparation is fully integrated into the Michigan education system.
  2. To ensure that all students, with their parents, will be prepared to make informed choices about their careers.
  3. To insure that all students have the types and levels of skills, knowledge, and performance valued and required in their education and career choices.

Components of the Career Preparation System include:

  • Academic Preparation
  • Career Development
  • Workplace Readiness
  • Education and Training Options

Each of the above components collectively interact, producing a system where student achievement and successful entry into a career of choice is the primary objective.

The STRA Program and Michigan's Career Preparation System

The School-to-Registered Apprenticeship Program plays a very important role in assisting Michigan schools in obtaining the goals of the Career Preparation System.

STRA Program Consortium members, and business, education, and community program supporters are dedicated to working with the private sector to:

  • Expanding opportunities for high school youth to receive occupational and career education and technical skill training by participating in registered apprenticeship programs.
  • Make a significant impact on the private sector's need for a properly prepared and skilled-trained workforce.

With these directives, STRA Program goals, objectives, and activities directly align with the stated outcomes of Michigan's Career Preparation initiative. These aligned goals include:

  • Developing STRA Programs as a capstone to any integrated, career-decision making, preparation system for youth.
  • Creating STRA Programs that will make a significant impact on the private sector's need for a skilled workforce.
  • Provide a series of employment and career preparation activities designed to provide student candidates with industry and occupational data to assist them in making appropriate, educated, and informed career choices. These activities, known collectively as the STRA Program Selection Process, are required to be completed by any student wishing to be interviewed by participating employers. Selection Process activities include:
    • Program Application Completion, including grades, attendance and core academic level documentation.
    • Student and Parent attendance at a STRA Program Orientation.
    • Participation in Occupational Assessment.
    • Participation in Business Tours.
    • Attendance and participation in a STRA Program Pre-Interview Workshop.
    • Participation in STRA Program Interviews.
    • Possible Physical and/or Drug Test
  • Utilization of classroom instruction and on-the-job training as a means of guaranteeing complete, high quality, up-to-date occupational or career education and training.
  • Provides a long term, formal, and structured education and training plan that includes both high school and post high school training activities, including employer paid post high school classroom instruction at the local community college.
  • Provides guaranteed fulltime employment including wages and benefits to graduating seniors.
  • Provides program completers with nationally recognized credentials insuring lifelong education, training, and employment opportunities.

Everyone will need to become a part of the workforce at some time in life. Being prepared and planning in advance will help insure that student's occupational and career goals are achieved. Michigan's Career Preparation System and the School-to-Registered Apprenticeship Program can assist in insuring students graduate from high school well prepared, highly motivated, and ready to successfully pursue advanced education, training, occupational, and career goals!

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This site maintained by Career Planning Specialists Software, Inc.  in cooperation with the STRA Consortium.