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Please select your most accurate response to each statement below. When you are finished, Click on the FINISHED button at the bottom of the page:

1. I am motivated to take online coursework because:

a. I want to improve my educational experience.

b. I am looking for something different from traditional school options.

c. I think online courses are easier than traditional classes.

2. Having face-to-face interaction with my teachers/instructors is:

a. Not particularly important to me.

b. Somewhat imporant to me.

c. Very important to me.

3. I would classify myself as someone who:

a. Often gets things done ahead of time.

b. Needs reminding to get things done.

c. Puts things off until the last minute.

4. Online coursework:

a. Requires as much if not more effort than in a traditional classroom.

b. Requires less work than in a traditional classroom.

c. Is self-paced.

5. When a teacher/instructor gives instructions for an assignment, I prefer to:

a. Work through the instructions myself.

b. Follow the instructions on my own then ask for help as needed.

c. Have the instructions explained to me.

6. I nead teachers/instructors to constantly remind me of due dates and assignments:

a. Rarely.

b. Sometimes.

c. Often.

7. Considering my personal schedule the amount of time I have to work online is:

a. More than in a traditional course.

b. The same as in a traditional course.

c. Less than in a traditional course.

8. When I am asked to use email, computers or other new technologies:

a. I look forward to learning new skills.

b. I feel apprehensive, but I try anyway.

c. I put it off or try to avoid it.

9. As a reader, I would classify myself as:

a. Good, I usually understand the text without help.

b. Average, I sometimes need help to understand the text.

c. Below average, I often need help to understand the text.

10. I intend to login to my online courses and check my messages:

a. Daily or almost daily.

b. 2 - 3 times a week.

c. Whenever I think I need to.