A hundred years ago people had literally no say in what their life's work was going to be. For most of the population, education was so scanty and illiteracy so widespread that the only jobs open to them were manual or unskilled laboring. Geographic factors also dictated  how people should work-if you lived in the country you worked on the land; if you lived by the sea you probably had something to do with fishing; if you lived in a town you took whatever pickings there were from industry. This picture has been transformed in the twentieth century, with greater personal mobility and educational opportunities for all, ensuring that an increasing percentage of the population has some choices in how they spend their life and how they earn their daily bread.

Psychologists have long realized, however, that people vary not only in intelligence but also in their aptitude for particular jobs. With this in mind they have devised batteries of tests designed to sort out square pegs in round holes and make sure that people go to the job that fits them. Tests of this kind, for obvious reasons, are restricted in their use and must only be administered by properly trained experts, and for this reason are not suitable for inclusion in self-testing questionnaires. But these are factors other than simple aptitude which determine whether a person is in the right job or not. The following questionnaire has been developed to allow you to check this for yourself.

When you have finished answering all the questions press the Submit button at the bottom to score your results.

1. Do you watch the clock when you are working?


2. When Monday morning comes, do you feel


3. How do you feel at the end of a working day?


4. Do you worry about your work?


5. Would you say that your job


6. Which statement is true for you?


7. How much of your worktime is spent making personal telephone calls, or with other matters not connected with the job?


8. Do you daydream about having a different job?


9. Would you say that you feel


10. Do you find that


11. Which statement is most true for you?


12. Indicate the qualities you think are your best points (you may select more than one by holding down the Control Key)


13. Now indicate the qualities that are demanded by your job (you may select more than one by holding down the Control Key)


14. Which statement do you most agree with?


15. Do you work overtime? 


16. Have you been absent from work (other than for normal vacations or illness) in the last year?


17. Would you rate yourself as


18. Do you think that your colleagues


19. Do you talk about work


20. Do you suffer from minor or unexplained illnesses and vague pains?


21. How did you choose your present job


22. In a conflict between job and home, like an illness of a member of the family, which would win?


23. Would you be happy to do the same job if it paid one-third less? 


24. If you were made redundant, which of these would you miss most 


25. Would you ever take a day off from work just to have fun? 


26. Do you feel unappreciated at work? 


27. What do you most dislike about your job? 


28. Do you keep your personal life separate from work? (check with your partner on this one) 


29. Would you advise a child of yours to take up the same kind of work as you do?


30. If you won or suddenly inherited a large sum of money, would you